Craig Rossi is the Executive
Director of WICA Nor Cal.

He has extensive experience and knowledge in the Mechanical
Insulation industry. He graduated from CSU, Sacramento in
1987 with a degree in Construction Management and started
his career in the Bay Area working for Performance
Contracting, Inc (PCl). After 13 years with PCI he worked 13
years for Bayside Insulation and 5 years with Farwest
Insulation. He is now back at PCI, working as a
Pre-construction Manager for their Northern California Branch.
Craig has been involved with the Local Chapter of WICA since
the mid 90’s and has been on the board of Regional WICA
since 2005, where he is currently the President.

Craig has been the Executive Director for WICA Nor Cal since
2018 and has been actively working to bring increased value to
its members. Please feel free to contact Craig with any
questions you may have about WICA.